Ferryt Commissions

Ferryt Commissions is a flexible tool to settle commission and bonuses for a sales network of various operating models. Commissions may be calculated for your own sales network, for a network with network partners and individual partner, as well as for on-line sales. The business process and calculation algorithms may be configured individually, depending on character peculiarities of a given organisation.

See the module application


Calculating commission and access to information
Calculating commission and access to information

Ferryt enables modelling the sales network structure. The role and position of every person in the network structure of your or a partner’s organisation may affect the amount of the commission received.

Moreover, commission on unit sales may be obtained by persons on various level in the structure, depending on the calculation formula in use. Any time, each person involved in sales may view its current commissions/bonuses and the information on the calculation formula.

Calculation of each sales model
Calculation of each sales model

The module enables unification and centralisation of calculating commission and bonuses, as well as the settlement of each sales model, including:

  • your own sales network
  • network partners
  • individual partners
  • on-line sales
  • portals

Settlement methods and settlement rules
Settlement methods and settlement rules

Commission/bonus settlements may proceed depending on sales parameters and the criteria adopted, including:

  • the product
  • sales volume
  • seller’s position in the organisational structure
  • historical data related to sales
  • sales performance versus the plan

Commission models may be developed and changed by sales managers on their own, in line with the policy in place and the expansion of a respective sales network.

Selected module functions

  • preparation and import of a sales network’s organisational structure
  • designing the rules for commission settlement
  • settlement simulations based on test data
  • calculation in line with the model defined
  • automatic calculation of bonuses and commissions
  • preview of the current status of commissions/bonuses accrued
  • acceptance of remuneration accrued
  • transferring data to external systems
  • reporting calculation results
  • forecasting margins and sales performance with bonuses
  • option to calculate additional indicators
  • storing historical data
  • access to information on your own commissions/bonuses
  • handling complaints
  • preparing data for invoicing

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