During the IT@Bank 2018 conference we had a chance to discuss various aspects of the IT technology impact on the effectiveness of the financial sector. On 15th November DomData yet again partnered with Poland’s largest conference on IT in banking.

Each year, this prestigious event brings together representatives of banks and representatives of technology companies. During this year’s edition, a vivid discussion was devoted to the latest global technological trends and their application in banking. Over 600 persons could listen to lectures in several subject areas: technology as a basis for the expansion of the banking business, what banks can learn from their clients, and technological trends – tools and security. Important and troubling issues were discussed by experts operating in the Polish banking sector.

The representatives of DomData shared their knowledge as regards the improvement of business processes in the financial sector. We exchanged experience regarding the digital transformation in organisations which starts from business processes integration affecting all of the areas of an institution’s activity. We identified the role of BPM platform and its use in launching digitalisation. We pointed out to the fact that implementing a BPM platform as part of a digital transformation should be first and foremost perceived as a business, and not a technological change.

We would like to thank for the number of meetings and valuable insights we could share during the conference!

The Conference was organised by Centrum Prawa Bankowego i Informacji [The Banking Law and Information Centre], the Polish Bank Association, Forum Technologii Bankowych [Banking Technology Forum] and the editorial board of “Miesięcznik Finansowy BANK” [BANK Financial Monthly].